WWF's support in Key Areas

Eastern Bhutan
© WWF Bhutan


WWF Bhutan collaborates with the government and other conservation partners to maintain healthy biological corridors connecting the large network of parks, sanctuaries and nature reserves. WWF Bhutan helped establish Bhutan's largest park - Wangchuck Centennial National Park. The park, which is close to 5,000 sq. km  is home to tigers, snow leopards, Himalayan black bears and source for the country’s four major river systems.


© WWF Bhutan DoFPS
WWF supports species conservation works, especially of endangered species. WWF Bhutan supported the first national tiger survey in 2014 and the findings will be declared by mid-2015. The survey data will contribute to more effective evidence-based interventions for tiger conservation in Bhutan. WWF is also supporting the planned collaring and national survey of the snow leopard.
Northern Bhutan
© WWF Bhutan

Climate Change

Of the 2,674 glacial lakes in Bhutan, 24 have the potential threats of causing glacial lake outburst floods. Besides loss and alteration of wildlife habitats, erratic weather patterns, soaring temperatures and unpredictable dry and wet atmospheric conditions make local communities most vulnerable to climate change. WWF Bhutan has been supporting climate change vulnerability assessments, promoting better agricultural and grazing practices and other climate smart initiatives. 


© WWF Bhutan
The ecological footprint in Bhutan is small. However, Bhutan’s unprecedented  socio-economic development and its resultant effects of  rapid urbanization, changing life style and consumption pattern, solid waste and encroachment of wildlife habitats is taking its toll. WWF Bhutan is supporting the country to address these issues through awareness, advocacy and technical assistance.