Asia High Mountain Project (Conservation and Adaptation in Asia’s High Mountain Landscapes and Communities

© SitherTenzin/WWF Bhutant

Project No.BT087900

Start Date:1st October 2012

End Date:30thSeptember 2017

Project Budget: Nu.36.94 million


About the project

Asia High Mountains Project will build upon WWF’s 30 years of experience working in close partnership with the Royal Government to implement project activities in the nation’s largest protected area, Wangchuck Centennial National Park(WCNP). Priority actions in Bhutan will include improving  protection snow leopards and their habitat; climate vulnerability and adaptation training for high mountain communities; improvement of meteorological monitoring in these communities; strengthening community participation in conservation, monitoring and anti-poaching activities; developing alternative fuel sources to wood; and promoting sustainable community-based tourism; mapping snow leopard habitat and dispersal corridors in Bhutan; and improving transnational dialogue on conservation, wildlife trade, natural resources, and water management between Bhutan, India, Nepal, and China. In implementing all these interventions, WWF will use both landscape and threat-based approaches while working closely with local stakeholders to connect biodiversity conservation and natural resource management with improved livelihoods. 



  • Promote climate-smart management of high mountain landscapes and snow leopard habitat for sustainable development in specific sites
  • Improve transnational collaboration on climate change adaptation and snow leopard conservation in Asia’s high mountain landscapes


Project approach

The project implementation plan is a synthesis of proposed activities based on a consultative process, and national program implementation plan submitted by partner. The project is managed by WWF in close collaboration with Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) and Department of Forest and Park Services (DoFPS), who provide administrative and technical support respectively. WWF responsibility also include monitoring and evaluation of project. The DoFPS has a pool of Park and Functional Division staff at central and field levels who support the implementation of the project activities. WWF has contractual agreement with the Royal Government and has institutional responsibilities for developing, funding, implementing and monitoring project in Bhutan.


Geographical coverage of project

Activities under this project in Bhutan will be implemented in four high mountain protected areas along Bhutan’s northern border with China with the primary project focus being on Wangchuck Centennial Park.WCNP spanning 4914 km² is located on Bhutan’s northern border with China, notably in the headwaters of Bhutan’s largest river system, the Manas River, which flows into the Brahmaputra River in Assam, India. In WCP, specific threats to be addressed by AHM Project activities include climate change impacts on local livelihoods and ecosystems, such as shifting rainfall patterns, increasing frequency of drought, and an attendant decline in water security; lack of adequate capacity for natural resource monitoring and management with respect to water, wildlife, forests, pastures, and farmland; human-wildlife conflict; wildlife poaching; fuel wood cutting; and lack of alternative livelihoods. 



Project is a collaborative effort between WWF and Royal Government. It is facilitated by the GNHC, DoFPS and WWF with financial support from the USAID. The project’s focal political party is Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.


Implementing partners

  • Wangchuck Centennial National Park (WCNP)
  • Watershed Management Division
  • Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment Research (UWICER)


Project Technical Director


WWF Bhutan