Intensive Priority Conservation through Community Participation for maintaining viable biodiversity and ecological connectivity in B2C2 landscape

© SitherTenzin/WWF Bhutan

Project No.BT087000

Start Date:1st July 2015

End Date:30thJune 2018

Project Budget: Nu. 56.28 million


About the project

The project is clearly based on the understanding that JSWNP is at the core of the B2C2 complex and is vital to the success of the underlying objective behind Bhutan Biological Conservation Corridor Plan (B2C2).  The project builds on the previously accomplished three year WWF funded project and the current project intends to meet the recommendations of various studies done in the past three years and the recommendation of evaluation report of the past project.

It supports the vision of JSWNP and its connecting corridors being effectively managed to conserve the rich biodiversity and ecological services, with its inhabitants successfully engaged in sustainable natural resources management, with appropriate climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in place, enabling them to live fulfilling lives in harmony with nature.



  • By 2020 JSWNP and corridor No. 2 integrity are better defined and protected.
  • By 2020, 90% of the forest coverage within the PA is conserved and managed as secure wildlife habitats. 
  • By 2020, populations of key species (tiger, other mammals such as musk deer, red pandas, and hornbills) are better understood/ documented, and secured. 
  • By 2020, at least 60% of the households living within and around the park are better off as a result of conservation and livelihood interventions.
  • By 2020, JSWNP FD and WWF Bhutan have enhanced capacities, strengthened partnerships in JSWNP and in Bhutan, contributing in a coherent way to national priorities and WWF Bhutan vision and strategy.


Project approach

The project implementation plan is a synthesis of proposed activities based on a consultative process, and national program implementation plan submitted by partner. The project is managed by WWF in close collaboration with Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) and Department of Forest and Park Services (DoFPS), who provide administrative and technical support respectively. WWF responsibility also include monitoring and evaluation of project. The DoFPS has a pool of Park and Functional Division staff at central and field levels who support the implementation of the project activities. WWF has contractual agreement with the Royal Government and has institutional responsibilities for developing, funding, implementing and monitoring project in Bhutan.


Geographical coverage of project

The scope of the project is Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park and Corridor No. 2, and the project’s conservation targets are: the integrity and of the park and its strategic central location with north-south connectivity; forest habitats’ conservation; species’ conservation; and to a more limited extent conservation of the freshwater habitats. The resident park communities and human well-being are taken as an additional target because their lives are inextricably intertwined with the natural resources and eco-system services JSWNP provides and they constitute the greatest threat to the short- and long-term conservation status of the park. 

Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park, the only national park with great altitudinal variation (from as low as 550 masl. of subtropical region to over 4500 masl. of the alpine Bhutan), forms a heart of conservation jewel in Bhutan. The park that connects the Northern Protected Area complex and Greater Manas in the B2C2 complex is home to over 39 species of mammals, of which 12 are listed under Schedule I of the Forests and Nature Conservation Act 1995. Over 270 bird species are also recorded in its rich floral diversity of over 440 confirmed species. Black Mountains or the Jowo Durshing, which constitutes the core of JSWNP, is one of the critical habitats of Musk Deer besides Serow, Himalayan black bear, Leopard, Marbled cat, and Clouded Leopard according to our biodiversity survey. Tiger is one flagship species that thrives well in this national park. The park is inhabited by over 6000 permanent residents spreading in ten gewogs(block) of Sarpang, Trongsa, Tsirang, Wangdue, Phodrang and Zhemgang Dzongkhags(districts), which depend on natural resources from the national park for their livelihoods.



Project is a collaborative effort between WWF and Royal Government. It is facilitated by the GNHC, DoFPS and WWF with financial support from the WWF UK. The project’s focal political party is Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.


Implementing partners

  • Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park
  • Wangdue Forest Division
  • Local governments
  • Zhemgang District Administration
  • Trongsa District Administration


Project Technical Director

Mrs. Dechen Yeshi

WWF Bhutan