Tigress with cubs

A tigress with cubs spotted at the biological corridor connecting Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary and Royal Manas National Park at 1700 masl. The tigers in the area are under constant threats from poachers.

Tiger walk-shop video

In 17th April, 2012, WWF-Bhutan, in collaboration with Information & Communication Services and Jigme Dorji National Park (JDNP), Ministry of Agriculture & Forests. It was aimed at bringing leaders, prominent local officials, and NGOs, media and Tiger supporters together, closer to Tiger habitat.

It also further strengthened support to all the implementers who work tirelessly for conservation despite harsh conditions and difficult terrain. The walk reiterated Bhutan’s commitment made during the ‘Tiger Summit’ and to encourage other range countries to follow suit before the 2nd ministerial level conference on ‘Conservation on Tiger’



Tiger Day, 2012

There are just over 3200 tigers left in the wild today. The largest of the Asian big cats may be on top of the food chain but they are also vulnerable to extinction. Tigers are forced to compete for space and food with increasing human population and face unrelenting threat from poaching, retaliatory killings and habitat loss across their range.

This year, WWF joins the Department of Forest and Park Services to travel back in time to breathe life into a world where indigenous communities lived in harmony with nature.

29th July will be marked with a celebration with the Nubi geog community in Trongsa dzongkhag where tigers freely roam outside the protected areas. The program will help create awareness and involve the community in tiger conservation.

Spread the word, “Let the Tiger and Community Coexist in harmony for mutual survival.”