Get a glimpse of some of the projects that WWF Bhutan has completed below.

© Tenzin Rabgye/WWF Bhutan

Sustaining Conservation and Community Livelihood Initiatives:Eco-life

Project Summary
© SitherTenzin/WWF Bhutan

Priority Conservation Actions in Bhutan’s Protected Areas in the TraMCA (Phase I)

Project Summary
© SitherTenzin/WWF Bhutan

Securing wildlife habitat and ecological connectivity in Transboundary Manas Conservation Area (TraMCA Phase II)

Project Summary
© SitherTenzin/WWF Bhutan

Intensive Priority Conservation through Community Participation for maintaining viable biodiversity and ecological connectivity in B2C2 landscape

Project Summary
© SitherTenzin/WWF Bhutan

Asia High Mountain Project (Conservation and Adaptation in Asia’s High Mountain Landscapes and Communities

Project Summary
© SitherTenzin/WWF Bhutant

Improving Implementation of Community Based Forest Resource Management for Improved Livelihoods

Project Summary
© SitherTenzin/WWF Bhutan

Ensuring Tiger Protection beyond Protected Areas, Paro Forest Division

Project Summary
© SitherTenzin/WWF Bhutan