Monks and Farmers for Tiger Conservation

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29 July 2018
29 July 2018, Norbugang, Pemagatshel: The theme for this year’s tiger day celebration was “ Monks and Farmers for Tiger Conservation”.
More than 20 poachers took a wow to stop poaching in the presence of the Abbot of the Dho Nngag Tenpailing Monastery. According to Tempa, the Director of the National Tiger Center, this is a very significant aspect. “ This time about 20 of them are giving up, we are looking forward for few more to give up. I am inspired and at the same time very emotional to witness this vow taking place. My colleagues Mr. Dorji Wangchuk and Mr. Sonam Wangchuk of RMNP along with the Abbot have been very instrumental in convincing these poachers to come forward and give up these kind of activities.” he said. 
Mr. Tandin from the Nature Conservation Division said, “It is incredible, this is the first time that communities, monks and local officials are joining hands and coming forward to help us protect tigers and wildlife.”  
As a token of appreciation, on behalf of DoFPS, these former poachers were given white scarves, prayer beads, and portraits of Their Majesties and His holiness the Chief Abbot of Bhutan.
The celebrations this year started off from 26 July with awareness programs by the forestry officials from the tiger center, Royal Manas National Park, and Nganglam Range, the Abbot of Dho Nngag Tenpailing Monastery and other influential people from the area who joined the team to create awareness on tiger conservation and waste management.
During the two day awareness program, forestry officials from tiger center, RMNP, NCD, and Nganglam Range gave talk on status of tigers, importance of conservation, and measures taken by the government to protect tigers and other wildlife and the Abbot spoke about poaching and the sacrosanctity of all life forms. 
The celebrations concluded with people from all villages  Norbugang, forests officials from RMNP, tiger center, Nganglam Range, Pangang Range, gewog officials of Norbugang, Khempos and monks from Dhongag Tenpailing Monastery, gathered for the celebration of the international tiger day. The heavy rain in the morning did not deter more than 500 people to join the celebration.  
The funding for this year’s program for the international day celebration was provided by Bhutan Foundation, WWF, and IUCN-KWF.