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A week-long training on Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Forests concludes in Nepal

A week-long training on Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Forests in Nepal provides comprehensive experience on Climate vulnerability assessment and developing climate smart management plans.

WWF Bhutan in collaboration with the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) conducted a week-long training on Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Forests in Nepal last week.

The training was organized for the foresters in the nine Divisional Forest Offices (DFOs) in southwestern Bhutan to provide them with the skills required for the vulnerability assessment of forests to climate change. 

The training combined presentations with practical exercises tailored for the foresters from nine DFOs, and the participants were introduced to methodologies for vulnerability assessment, spatial analysis, data preparation, and extraction.

As a key output, the DFOs will prepare Climate Vulnerability Assessment Reports for the development of Climate Smart Management Plans in the respective divisons. 

Participants thanked the trainers for their expertise and for the high quality training, highlighting that the skills gained would be beneficial to assess climate change impacts, manage forest fires, and monitor forests.

The participants appreciated the enriching theory and practical sessions on the training .

The training was conducted through the Living Landscape Project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection (BMUV) through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and WWF Germany and co-funded by the ICIMOD. 

© WWF Bhutan
Participants in Nepal

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