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Climate Crowd Initiative
© WWF-Bhutan
About the project

Climate Crowd Initiative

The climate crowd intiative of WWF-US is a bottom-up, community driven approach to climate change adaptation. Rather the impacts of climate change being identified through technical assessements, this approach includes understanding the impacts based on the extensive knowledge and experience of the communities living within the locality. This is done through conduct of Key Informant Interviews, which is a social science tool used to explore topics in details in conversation with a person who has indepth knowledge or a unique perspective on the topic in discussion.



  • 1. The primary objective of the project is to ensure that by 2025 there is adequate technical capacity in the country for solar installations and energy auditing of energy intensive sectors.

Project Approach

The theory of change in a narrative format presenting: 

Outcome 1: Key informant interview 
The conduct of the key informant interview is to gather data to understand how the communities and nature are being impacted by climate change based on their experience of living in the locality.  The aim of the interview is to investigate the prominent shanges in weather and climate experienced by the communities; actions taken to cope with the changes and impacts on local biodiversity.  

Outcome 2: Data Analysis and summary report 
The qualitative data gathered through the key informant interviews is analysed to produce summary reports. The report provides a summary of the major climate impacts experienced by the communities as well as the impacts on local biodiversity. In addition, the report also provides summary of the actions being undertaken by the communities to cope with the changes in weather and climate. 

Outcome 3: Community consultations 
The summary report of the key informant interviews are presented to the communities. In addition to the presentation of the summary report, a key objective of the consultation with the communities is to identify interventions for implementation on the ground. 

Geographic Coverage

The climate crowd intiative in Bhutan covers 05 gewogs under JDNP and 02 gewogs under JWS.


  • Department of Forests and Park Services

  • Local Government

Implementing Partners

  • Department of Forests and Park Services

  • Local Governments

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