

Since its inception in 2007, Earth Hour has brought together millions of people from over 190 countries worldwide to act against the environmental challenges our planet faces. The unique and the most efficient part of the global campaign is that it allows all individuals to act in nature positive actions individually and in groups, symbolized by the simple act of switching off lights for an hour, has inspired generations to prioritize environmental stewardship.  

In 2023, Earth Hour stepped up the call for actions and awareness with the start of a new global campaign called the Biggest Hour for Earth; the global movement called people across the globe to spend 60 minutes doing something positive for our planet. It can be as simple as watching a documentary film that shows light on nature and climate crisis or going for a walk.  

To contribute at least 1,000 hours (about 1 and a half months) to the global campaign, Earth Hour 2024 will have series of events organized as part of the global campaign. Building on the success of previous years, Earth Hour 2024 aims to amplify its impact by engaging different youth groups in Bhutan in March, building up to the main Earth Hour celebration on March 23.  

As part of Earth Hour 2024, we will be organizing three different events leading up to Earth Hour 2024 scheduled on March 23. Participants will be encouraged to engage in a nature friendly awareness and education programs that would highlight environmental issues that are of big concern today.  

The main event for the Earth Hour celebration will see partners from conservation organizations, youth groups and other interested individuals join the plogging and the main event at Kuenselphodrang on March 23. This will be followed by an hour of switch-off action of the iconic landmarks in the locality at 8:30 PM. 

The aim is to engage at least 1,000 youth which would add up to the global hour bank. WWF network offices are pursuing similar processes as part of the campaign. Last year, 410,000 hours were pledged on the ‘Hour Bank’, which means 410,000 people across the world joined the campaign: the Biggest Hour for Earth. 


  • Create awareness and inspire actions among the youth groups on climate crisis and nature loss. 
  • Encourage discussion and dialogues on nature loss and sustainable living.  
  • Give at least 1,000 hours (about 1 and a half month) to Hour Bank by engaging youth in various Earth Hour events.  
  • Enhance partnerships partners and youth groups. 

Our Past Earth Hour Events

   Our World Earth Hour Bhutan

   Earth Hour 2022 Live Event

   Earth Hour Theme Song Bhutan

   Could an Hour Change the World?