Nature Perspectives

Dorji Duba, government ranger in Bhutan’s Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park, with his son.

The diverse role of rangers and why they are critical in tiger landscapes

Rangers are known under a range of different names from planetary health workers, forest guardians, wildlife wardens, anti-poaching officers, and ...

31 Jul 2023 Read more »
Tiger number increases by 27 percent in Bhutan

BLOG: Bhutan’s success in increasing its tiger population and the challenges that lie ahead

The country’s long-standing commitment to preserve over half of its land under forest cover ties into their cultural connection with nature and ...

29 Jul 2023 Read more »
Wildlife training in Gelephu

Wildlife Statistical Training conducted in Gelephu

Over 20 foresters from the Department of Forests and Park Services (DoFPS) were trained on the use of advanced statistical technique and unmarked ...

09 Jun 2023 Read more »
I collected some pictures from the local forest office, and our sighting resembled this young mother

My first tiger sighting in Bhutan

Beginning of this year, I saw my first wild tiger in Bhutan!As we drove back to our village homestay in Zhemgang, it was late dusk. It was a long day ...

04 Mar 2022 Read more »

Water - the Elixir of Life

“As a river flows across the land, it nurtures all living things that it comes across. All the plants and animals benefit from the water of the ...

04 Oct 2021 Read more »

Destination Tx2 – Still afar or almost there?

Tigers are amongst the most spectacular of the exquisite big cats. There is no place where their mention is unheard of. From legends to myths, art to ...

19 Jun 2021 Read more »
My Tryst with Himalayan Marmots

My Tryst with Himalayan Marmots

My recent trip to Laya, one of the highland villages under Gasa district in the northwestern part of Bhutan brought in my tryst with a big rodent ...

20 May 2021 Read more »

From Waterways to Flyways International Cooperation Matters

Every winter when cold shrouds the beautiful valley of Phobjekha and icy wind sweeps the open hillsides, the local village population wait eagerly ...

08 May 2021 Read more »

Delving Deeper on International Mother Earth Day 2021

Little over a decade ago, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 22 April as International Mother Earth Day. Member states acknowledged that ...

22 Apr 2021 Read more »

Environmental DNA, a giant leap forward in biodiversity assessment

It is perhaps the fundamental drive in human behaviour which we call curiosity that makes us distinct from fellow inhabitants of the earth. Although ...

18 Mar 2021 Read more »