Improving Implementation of Community Based Forest Resource Management for Improved Livelihoods

© SitherTenzin/WWF Bhutan

Project No.9S078900

Start Date:1st July 2018

End Date:30thJune 2023

Project Budget: Nu.19 million


About the project

This project aims to improve Community Based Forest Resources Management(CBFRM)groups to effectively manage their forest resources, which were handed over to them and improve their livelihood through supporting enterprise development, generate employment and marketing. Capacity building and training will focus more on efficient use of forest resources including marketing, improving governance of the group and providing technical skills to forestry staff and communities.



  • Community Based Forest Resource Management groups are effectively managed and their livelihood significantly improved
  • Community Based Forest Resource Management (CBFRM) strengthened
  • Capacities of CBFRM groups and forestry field staff enhanced
  • Employment opportunities created in CBFRM groups
  • Small-scale community based enterprises established and employment opportunities created for the youth.
  • Community Forest (CF) and Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP) networks established to enable marketing, information sharing and capacity development.
  • Product diversification, branding and marketing of selected products developed


Project Approach

The project implementation plan is a synthesis of proposed activities based on a consultative process, and national program implementation plan submitted by partner. The project is managed by WWF in close collaboration with Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) and Department of Forest and Park Services (DoFPS), who provide administrative and technical support respectively. WWF responsibility also include monitoring and evaluation of project. The DoFPS has a pool of Park and Functional Division staff at central and field levels who support the implementation of the project activities. WWF has contractual agreement with the Royal Government and has institutional responsibilities for developing, funding, implementing and monitoring project in Bhutan


Geographical coverage of project

The project with focus on community forestry and non-wood forest management groups, which are outside of protected areas, will be implemented inthe 10 districts (Trashiyangtse, Trashigang, Mongar, Pemagatshel, Samdrup Jongkhar, Sarpang, Zhemgang, Trongsa, Dagana, Samtse)since CFs and NWFP within the protected areas are covered under Bhutan for Life project. These project sites are identified based on poverty prevalence and scale. Those identified districts have more poverty than other remaining districts. In total 200 CFs and 50 NWFP groups are identified for the project support.Community and non-wood forest product programme have come a long way and now it is widely accepted with rural communities having clear and secure access and management rights and responsibilities over forest resources (which are handed over to the group), which can create livelihood opportunities for remote communities and actively participate in sustainable management of forests and biodiversity conservation.  

Although there are more than 800 Community Based Forest Resource Management (CBFRM) groups established covering about 100,000 ha of forest area, there are challenges at hand that need to be addressed. The lack of governance as a result of inadequate leadership and management skills deters the effective management of the groups as well as forest resources. Weak monitoring is also one of the factors of poor management of resources. Another factor is the unsustainable use of the forest resources as a result of inadequate capacity in harvesting techniques and production of forest resources. In addition, the CFs & NWFP management groups face challenges in terms of enterprise development initiatives, skills and knowledge in product design & development. Addressing these challenges would be crucial towards employment, income generation and expertise in managing the community based forest resources.



Project is a collaborative effort between WWF and Royal Government. It is facilitated by the GNHC, DoFPS and WWF with financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Finland(through WWF Finalnd). The project’s focal political party is Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.


Implementing partners

  • Social Forestry and Extension Division
  • Territorial Forest Divisions
  • Local government from 10 districts
  • Community Forest Groups
  • Non-Wood Forest Product Groups


Project Technical Director

Ms. Nagdrel Lhamo

WWF Bhutan