Bhutanese youth and children form an integral part of Bhutan’s conservation initiative to advance a fair, inclusive, and sustainable planet.
For a country that has a permanent commitment to environmental conservation, it is irrefutable that there is an urgent need for Bhutanese children and youth to be effectively engaged and empowered in order to have their own unique capacity to create a sustainable future for Bhutan. As a developing country that will continue to be disrupted by a continuum of technological, social, and economic transformations, the Bhutanese youth, who represent majority of the country, are a critical stakeholder for the environmental sector as their evolving attitudes, values, and actions will have an impact on the resilience of Bhutan’s conservation legacy.
The Education and Youth program at WWF Bhutan contributes to conservation programs by developing diverse projects that aim to effectively engage and empower Bhutanese children and youth to develop the knowledge, motivation, and abilities to support conservation, promote sustainable development, apply the principles of sustainability in their everyday activities and decisions, and drive active citizenship.
WWF Bhutan’s Youth and Education Program functions through two distinct thematic areas - Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Youth Empowerment and Leadership (YEL).
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) projects aims to promote the development of the awareness, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values required for children and youth to contribute in creating a sustainable future for Bhutan that also ensures environmental conservation.
Youth Empowerment and Leadership (YEL) projects aim to mobilize youth aged between 15 – 25 (+/-) to support WWF Bhutan’s conservation work by empowering them to become confident, knowledgeable, skilled, and motivated individuals who are committed to making a difference in society and driving active citizenship to conserve the planet.
Russell E. Train Education for Nature (EFN) Scholarship program at Royal Thimphu College: Supporting Bhutanese youth to study BSc Environmental Management at the Royal
Thimphu College through the WWF-US EFN Program with the aim to groom future conservationists. EFN’s goal is to provide access to improved education opportunities and to help conservationists utilize these experiences to advance their conservation work. From 2016 – 2018, 18 young individuals have been awarded this scholarship.
Our Living Planet Ambassadors: Awarding extraordinary youth who demonstrate passion for environmental action with the title and role of WWF Bhutan’s Youth Ambassador. The YA not only acts as the “voice for the youth” for WWF Bhutan’s messages but also support WWF Bhutan’s Youth and Education Program to co-design and co-implement different initiatives to effectively engage, mobilize, and empower other Bhutanese youth to take sustainable action. The first OLP Ambassador was appointed in November 2020.
Publications and Resources
Young Bhutanese Birders Guidebook