Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)

WWF-Bhutan has established a mechanism to receive and respond to grievances raised by stakeholders who may be affected by conservation activities. This mechanism is a fundamental part of WWF’s Environmental and Social Safeguards.

Addressing grievances in a timely and effective way helps resolve issues, improves mutual understanding, strengthens accountability and provides a foundation for increased collaboration.

WWF’s Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework (ESSF) includes three statement of principles (SoP) and nine safeguards. It applies to all our work where WWF engages in on-the-ground conservation or activities implemented through partners in the government, corporate and private sectors.

WWF’s Statement of Principles and Environmental and Social Safeguards can be accessed here.

Any community, group, or person who believes it is or may be negatively affected by WWF-Bhutan’s failure to follow its environmental and social policies in the design or implementation of a project activity is considered an “Affected Party”. Any Affected Party may file a grievance. Representatives filing a grievance on behalf of an Affected Party must provide concrete evidence of authority to represent them.

Given that this GRM is oriented towards direct dialogue and engagement among all parties, anonymous grievance will not be considered, although affected party can request confidentiality. There is a risk that confidentiality may limit efforts to resolve grievances, and affected party will be informed if confidentiality is impeding the process.

The WWF-Bhutan GRM is overseen by a team in WWF-Bhutan office. Grievance should be directed by any of the following means:

  1. Email:

  2. Post: ESS Lead, Post box 210, Kawajangsa, Thimphu, Bhutan.
    Phone: 975-2-321407/323528/323316

  3. Walk-in to WWF-Bhutan Country Office at the above office.

The grievance should include the following information either in english or dzongkha:

  • Affected party’s name and contact information.

  • If not filed directly by the affected party, proof that those representing the affected people have authority to do so.

  • The specific project or program of concern including the location.

  • The harm that is or may be resulting from the grievance. 

  • The relevant WWF environmental and social policy breached (if known).

  • Any other relevant information or documents (e.g. date of event).

  • Any actions taken so far (if any) to resolve the grievance, including contact with WWF.

  • Proposed solution (if any)

  • Whether confidentiality is requested (stating the reason).


Step 1 
WWF-Bhutan GRM team will assess the eligibility of the grievance and provide a response as to whether it is eligible, in accordance with the above requested information (10 business days after receiving the grievance). 
Step 2
If the grievance is eligible, the GRM team will come up with a plan and define a timeframe to investigate. The team will then communicate this information to the Affected Party (10 business days after Step 1 is finalized).
Step 3 
The team will then investigate the matter, with additional technical support as needed, including support from the field offices. Based on the results, the team will then work with the affected parties to develop and implement an action plan and timeframe of steps required to resolve any issues identified.
Step 4 
A summary of the grievance raised, actions taken, conclusions reached, follow up plan and timeframe for completion will be documented and communicated as agreed between the parties. WWF-Bhutan will facilitate support to further clarify, assess, and resolve issues raised as needed including, if appropriate, engaging input from outside experts.


Agreed action plans will establish timeframes for regular process monitoring towards resolution of the grievance. The GRM team will coordinate the monitoring by organizing periodic checks – bringing together the affected parties and relevant technical advisors for meetings or other communication on the status of action plans, until they are completed.  WWF-Bhutan will assess the effectiveness of this GRM on an annual basis and identify any needs for improvement.   

WWF-Bhutan strongly disapproves of and will not tolerate any form of retaliation against those who report grievances in good faith. Any WWF employee who engages in such retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. WWF-Bhutan will take all feasible actions to protect grievance against retaliation. Anyone who has made a report of suspicious conduct of a WWF-Bhutan’s employee and who subsequently believes he or she has been subjected to retaliation of any kind should immediately report it by the same channels as noted herein.  


WWF Bhutan GRM Team

1. Conservation Director
2. Operation Director
3. Relevant Landscape Lead (B2C2/Living Landscape)
5. Communication Manager
6. Monitoring, Evaluation and Safeguards Manager 

ETHICS POINT: Additional channel to report grievances.