National Zero Poaching Strategy Workshop concludes

Posted on 13 September 2023
Participants from DoFPS
© Nima / WWF-Bhutan
Illegal wildlife trade is the fifth most profitable illicit trade, worth over USD 10 billion per year and considered as one of the most lucrative businesses in the world. It is one of the gravest threats to the globally threatened and endangered species such as tigers, elephants and other important species in the wild.

Department of Forest and Park Services (DoFPS) in with collaboration WWF-Bhutan is revising National Zero Poaching Strategy 2017–2021 in Bumthang. The five-day-long strategy revision workshop came up with the measures to reduce poaching and curb illegal wildlife trade in Bhutan by adopting advanced tools and technologies, and strategize approaches in a coordinated effort.

The workshop reflected on the species that are vulnerable to poaching and illegal wildlife trade in the country; reviewed policy supports and strengthen partnerships with other law enforcement partners. Officials present at the workshop highlighted the need to improve the investigative, legal documentation and case processing capacities of the department.

The strategy will also enhance regional and international collaboration in dealing trans-border wildlife crime. 
Recognizing the importance of communities in addressing the wildlife crimes, human-wildlife conflicts, and engaging the communities to reduce poaching and wildlife crimes were also discussed at the workshop.

Records with the Department of Forest and Park Services showed that Himalayan Black Bear, Musk Deer, and Tiger are most poached species in Bhutan. The Department recorded about 1284 forest and wildlife offence about 23 poaching cases in 2022 (Annual Forest Statistics 2022).

The Zero Poaching development workshop was participated 30 officials from functional division and field office under the DoFPS.

The first National Zero Poaching Strategy 2017-2021 developed by WWF-Bhutan in partnership with DoFPS got ended two years back and the need for revision is inevitable.

The strategy supported the use of latest anti-poaching technology, capacity development and institutional collaboration through anti-poaching projects and initiatives.
Participants from DoFPS
© Nima / WWF-Bhutan Enlarge