Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park
Know previously as Black Mountain National Park, Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park (JSWNP) is the third largest park in the country covering an expanse of 1,723 sq. km. The park has recorded the highest number of 391 bird species among all the protected areas in the country. Apart from being a bird paradise, other key species like tiger, red panda, golden langur, rufous necked hornbill, white bellied heron, musk deer, etc are also known to be found in the park as well. Mangdechhu, Chamkharchhu, Punatsangchhu and Manas rivers flowing through the park supports the rich habitat of the park.
Like all other protected areas, JSWNP also has a fair set of challenges that makes balancing ecological conservation extremely difficult. Habitat fragmentation, human wildlife conflicts, unsustainable forest resource use, development activities (construction of farm roads, hydropower plant and transmission lines), poaching are some of the its pressing challenges park faces. Climate change is also expected to impact the park’s water sources, other ecosystems, biodiversity, and lives and livelihood of the people negatively, though however no studies have been conducted to confirm.